“Burning sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing a person, group of people, or space and of getting rid of unwanted spirits. The practice dates back to prehistoric times and it’s been documented as having been used in every corner of the world by our ancestors.”
White sage is often seen as the most powerful smudging herb because it has a long history of being used in spiritual ceremonies and rituals. It is believed to have cleansing and protective properties, as well as the ability to purify an area and provide clarity.
Introduction to smudging
For a long time, sage (Salvia) species have been used in traditional medicine for the relief of pain, protecting the body against oxidative stress, free radical damages, angiogenesis, inflammation, bacterial and virus infection, etc., Several studies suggest that sage species can be considered for drug development because of their reported pharmacology and therapeutic activities in many countries of Asia and Middle East, especially China and India. These studies suggest that Salvia species, in addition to treating minor common illnesses, might potentially provide novel natural treatments for the relief or cure of many serious and life-threatening diseases such as depression, dementia, obesity, diabetes, lupus, heart disease, and cancer. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the botanical, chemical, and pharmacological aspects of sage (Saliva).
What are the four elements of smudging?
The shell or clay bowl represents water.
The herbs and resins represent earth.
The feather and smoke it creates represent air.
The flame used to ignite the sage, palo santo and herbs represents fire.
How do you smudge your home?
First, we like to suggest cracking a window a little bit or at least being very cautious that the smoke doesn't build up too much - just something to keep an eye on. You may set off a smoke detector if you let the smoke build up too much.
Ignite your smudge stick until there is a strong ember burning. Blow on your smudge stick occasionally to keep the embers going, relight them as needed. It can be very difficult to get your smudge stick burning well, some are harder than others and this is perfectly natural and normal. Hold the smudge at an angle so the flame covers the entire end of the stick or bundle and hold the flame for around 20-30 seconds. DO NOT begin the process with a smudge stick that has a full flame - you should only have a smoldering ember in order to begin the process.
Before burning, open the doors or windows
“Before you light up, remember to open a door or window as the unwanted energy you are trying to clear must have a pathway to get out. Why do you need to do this? Let's take a lesson from eight-grade science class: Imagine that you took a bunch of chemical compounds and put them in a jar, sealed the lid, and shook the jar. You just created a chemical reaction, but the mixture has nowhere to go; so the jar could explode, crack, or not complete its chemical reaction because of the lack of oxygen, being compressed in a small space, and essentially not being able to change. I use this example with my clients all the time because this experiment is the same as opening the doors and windows in the space you are trying to clear. If you are trying to get someone’s toxic energy out of your house post-cocktail party, after an intense meeting in a conference room at work, or you feel like there is a spirit hanging around your space, that energy needs somewhere to go.
You can also sprinkle Himalayan, Dead Sea, and Epsom salts at a doorstep and in the four corners of room for purification and cleansing
Salt is often associated with purification and cleansing properties. Sprinkling salt at a doorstep may be done to create a barrier against negative energies, malevolent spirits, or to remove any harmful influences that may be lingering in the environment. The salt will also absorb the negative energy. You can also use this approach in your closets.
Over the entire space, start in the East, then move South, West and North. Start in a corner furthest away from the door or exit. Move around the room eventually making your way to the exit. Go high, low and side to side.
Speak out loud intentions as you burn the sage in your home or office
Once you have the area ventilated and have lit the sage, demand the unwanted energy to leave their space, in their mind’s eye as well as voicing out loud. Say ‘Any energy that is not of my highest and greatest good get the f**k out, with love, but you are not welcome to stay here. Please leave through the open window/door.’ ”
How do I smudge myself or someone else?
Use the same concept as smudging your home just apply the four directions to the person. Let your smudge smoke naturally flow and fan the smoke as needed.
What is the meaning or reasoning behind these methods? Smudging is traditionally performed a certain way in honor of the four directions and Creator.
The four directions (North, South, East & West) have significant meaning to Native people. When you are Smudging you are pushing out negativity and bringing in positivity and ancient tradition honors the important things in life like health, nature, stages of life, seasons of the year, the earth, the universe, animals, plants – everything around us that makes it all possible.
The four directions:
East – Light and the start of a new day, new beginnings and the opportunity to grow and become wise.
South – Growth, our Earth and the warmth of summer.
West – Maturity, the direction of the setting sun. Symbolic of the changing of the seasons and the end of our day.
North – Wisdom & Guidance, the trials and journey we endure in life.
The Sacred Sage Burns As I Walk With Creator
To Cleanse This Space And Protect My Home
To Heal, Bring Strength And Bring PeaceI Honor
The Cycle Of Life And The Four Directions
From The New Beginning In the East, Birth
The Warmth And Light Of The South, Growth
Closing The Day, Bringing Change In the West, Maturity
The North Gives Wisdom And Guidance, Transition
To Heal And Strengthen, The Sacred Sage Burns
What time of day should I smudge?
There is no wrong way to smudge your house. If it feels right to you, go with it, but here are some basic tips to enhance your cleansing experience. You can sage your house any time of day or night at any time of year.
Whether you say a prayer out loud or in your mind, give purpose to burning the sage. You may want to say something like “Please clear this space of negative and unwanted energy. All negativity be gone forever. Bring love, light, happiness and protection to this home and myself.
What is the superstition about sage?
Sage. Dried Sage, or more specifically burning dried sage, is believed to keep evil spirits away. Believers of the spiritual benefits of burning sage see it as a way of keeping things in balance and cleansing the spirit, as burning sage is said to eliminate the bacteria that hangs in the air.
Do you burn the whole smudge stick?
There is a simple answer. You simply light one end and let it smolder. You can walk around with it to clear a room or house or place it in an abalone shell and allow the smoke to clear the air. I'm assuming you are referring to using a smudge stick.
What to do with sage after burning?
Then, discard the ashes outside by scattering or burying them. If you need to leave your house and don't want to keep the sage burning, press the burning tip of the sage bundle into sand or a fireproof container to extinguish it.
Sage packs a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals when consuming
One teaspoon (0.7 grams) of ground sage contains (2Trusted Source):
Calories: 2
Protein: 0.1 grams
Carbs: 0.4 grams
Fat: 0.1 grams
Vitamin K: 10% of the
reference daily intake (RDI) -
Iron: 1.1% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 1.1% of the RDI
Calcium: 1% of the RDI
Sage can be eaten whole or ground. Adding sage to a dish is a great way to enhance flavor without adding extra calories or salt. The herb often pairs well with poultry and pork. Sage is often used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics due to its pleasant aroma.​
For a long time, sage (Salvia) species have been used in traditional medicine for the relief of pain, protecting the body against oxidative stress, free radical damages, angiogenesis, inflammation, bacterial and virus infection, etc., Several studies suggest that sage species can be considered for drug development because of their reported pharmacology and therapeutic activities in many countries of Asia and Middle East, especially China and India. These studies suggest that Salvia species, in addition to treating minor common illnesses, might potentially provide novel natural treatments for the relief or cure of many serious and life-threatening diseases such as depression, dementia, obesity, diabetes, lupus, heart disease, and cancer. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the botanical, chemical, and pharmacological aspects of sage (Saliva).
Can dried sage go bad?
For dried sage, use an airtight container and store it in a cool, shady place away from direct sunlight. Dried sage can retain its flavor and aroma for at least 6 months and potentially as long as a year if it is stored appropriately.
Sage is considered safe with no reported side effects. However, some people are concerned about thujone, a compound found in common sage. Animal research has found that high doses of thujone may be toxic to the brain and may irritate the respiratory system .
Seizure disorders: Common sage contains significant amounts of thujone, a chemical that can trigger seizures. If you have a seizure disorder, don't take sage in amounts higher than those typically found in food.
Thujone can bring on a woman's menstrual period, and this could cause a miscarriage. Avoid sage if you are breast-feeding, too. There is some evidence that thujone might reduce the mother's milk supply. Diabetes: Sage might lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
Safety Disclaimer: Orewiler.art s not responsible for any damage to any persons or property as a result of purchasing any Orewiler.art products or using any Orewiler.art products or following the directions of use of any Orewiler.art products or website content. Use at your own risk, be cautious of your surroundings and do not leave anything burning unsupervised, out of sight or in a windy/breezy area.
Manganese: 1% of the RDI
All information gathered from the internet from various websites
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