Meditation Center
Est 10.14.20 4:51pm
492 E Mound📍Columbus Ohio
@chakra_mural Instagram
20ft x 76ft
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Color meditation
This Chakra mural is one of the first meditation walls that was created to educate the youth, community about holisitc practice, chakras and chakra color meditation concept by Darsy Amaya of Color Your life Chakras and White Canvas Designs. Each color has properties that emit mental health and well being.
How do you meditate to open chakras?
Bring yourself to a happy place. Visualize a heart blessing or a flower opening for each of your chakras. When done with intention, deep and conscious breaths can restore your chakras as well. Each inhales directs energy to your chakra, while each exhale allows awareness to settle into your chakras.
How does chakra meditation work?
“With chakra meditation, you are actively participating with your whole body, exploring its layers on a healing level and witnessing the effects of thoughts and feelings,” explains Knowles. “It's a very personal practice, but I would say you should expect a sense of contentment, peace and heightened charges of energy.
How do you activate your chakras?
Do yoga, walk around the block, or do some manual house-cleaning. These activities let your body become known to you and will strengthen the chakra. Ground yourself. This means that you should connect with the ground, and feel it beneath you.
How can I unblock my 7 chakras?
If these energy centers get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra. One way you may be able to unblock or rebalance your chakras is by doing certain yoga poses. Specific breathing exercises and meditation actices may also help.
What does it mean to clear your chakras?
Yes; cleared chakras promote stress relief, calm emotions, improve physical health, as well as increase focus and mental clarity. ... Your Root Chakra is healthy when you love your career and get rewarded for being good at it. You feel wanted and loved by your friends and family, and you feel good about yourself.
Color therapy is based on the idea that colours create an electrical impulse in our brain, which stimulates hormonal and biochemical processes in our body. These processes either stimulate or calm us. There are as many colours in colour therapy sessions as there are colours in the rainbow.
Each chakra vibrates or spins at a particular frequency that impacts specific biological processes and organ systems in our body. The circulation of energy in each of our chakras then influences our physical as well as our mental well-being by way of stimulation or inhibition. In other words, if one of your seven chakras is out of whack or blocked, you may feel effects of that in other areas of your life, as well.
There are 7 total chakras that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, and each has a specific meaning and is associated with a specific color. The colors, you’ll notice, follow the same pattern as a rainbow. Below, several pros break down the different chakra colors and meanings, so you can understand and enjoy the whole energetic rainbow.
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Root chakra
Color: Red
Location: Base of your spine near your tailbone
Sacral chakra
Color: Orange
Location: Two inches below your belly button
Solar plexus chakra
Color: Yellow
Location: Between naval and sternum
Heart chakra
Color: Green
Location: Center of chest
Throat chakra
Color: Blue
Location: Base of the throat to the center of the eyes
Third-eye chakra
Color: Indigo/purple
Location: Center of forehead between eyebrows
Crown chakra
Color: Purple/violet
Location: Two inches above the top of the head
1. Root chakra
Color: Red
Location: Base of your spine near your tailbone
Meaning: “This chakra represents your security and your power base,” Poon says. “It determines your ability to feel calm, safe, grounded, and secure. It’s also where you’re able to pull in energy and money and manifest your desires.”
Susy Schieffelin, sound healer and reiki master points out that the grounding, safety-enhancing vibes of the root chakra connect to real-life examples of the color red representing security. Take, for instance, a stop sign or red light. “These are symbols put into place to help bring our attention toward safety,” she says. “They tell us to slow down, to stop, be present, and help us to remain safe.”
So whenever you need an extra dose of some grounding in your life, Schieffelin recommends focusing your attention on the root chakra and visualizing red light in that area as you take a few deep breaths and say the affirmation “I am safe.”
2. Sacral chakra
Color: Orange
Location: Two inches below your belly button
Meaning: “This chakra governs your emotions, your creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self-expression,” Poon says. “Often, the sacral chakra needs to be cleared of stuck energy from traumas and pent-up emotions to heighten your creativity and ability to express your true self.”
Given that it exudes a feeling of warmth and excitement, it makes perfect sense that the sacral chakra is connected to the color orange. Similar to the root chakra, if you want to call in more of the sacral chakra energy, Schieffelin suggests envisioning orange light in that area of your body while meditating on the affirmation “I am creative.”
3. Solar plexus chakra
Color: Yellow
Location: Between naval and sternum
Meaning: The solar plexus chakra is all about personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. “The color yellow represents the ability to tap into the light of a thousand suns that exists within you,” Schieffelin says. “Focusing on the color yellow in the upper part of your abdomen can help you to feel strong, confident, motivated, and powerful.” Poon adds that you can also eat yellow-colored foods to help you tap into the energy of this chakra.
4. Heart chakra
Color: Green
Location: Center of chest
Meaning: Although pink or red might logically be the first colors that come to mind when you think of the heart chakra, this energetic area is actually associated with green. “This chakra represents the ability to give and receive love, compassion, expansion, empathy, service to others, kindness, health, and healing,” Poon says. “We experience loss, regret, pain, low self-love, and low self-worth when this chakra is imbalanced.”
So how do you strengthen your heart chakra and open yourself up to love? Schieffelin recommends focusing on your heart and imagining an emerald green light around it. Or, drinking a heart chakra smoothie, which may also do the trick.
5. Throat chakra
Color: Blue
Location: Base of the throat to the center of the eyes
Meaning: “This chakra is all about self-expression and clear communication,” Schieffelin says. “People often hold back from speaking their truth for fear that they may face judgment or rejection.” And it doesn’t just have to be your verbal communication. Writing is also governed by the throat chakra as well.
If your throat chakra is feeling a little stagnant, or maybe you just want a little confidence boost to ask someone out on a date or send that email to your boss about a raise, grab a few throat-chakra stones, like blue-lace agate or aquamarine, and place them over your throat while you meditate. You can also nosh on blueberries and visualize a blue light surrounding your throat area.
Into blueberries? Try making this blueberry pie for gut-health and throat-chakra gains.
6. Third-eye chakra
Color: Indigo/purple
Location: Center of forehead between eyebrows
Meaning: “Purple is a very mystical and magical color that represents wisdom,” Schieffelin says. “The third eye is all about connecting to your intuition, inner vision, and higher consciousness. Having a clear and open third-eye chakra can help you to see the world in a whole new way.” Some things you can do to unleash your inner psychic powers include wearing the color of the chakra, practicing Kundalini yoga, using sound healing, or sniffing some frankincense essential oil.
7. Crown chakra
Color: Purple/violet
Location: Two inches above the top of the head
Meaning: Unlike the other chakras, the crown chakra isn’t actually on your body. It’s located just above your head and “radiates infinitely upward and outward, connecting you to your soul, higher self, purpose, the universe, source and the divine,” Poon says. It’s all about purity, enlightenment, and higher states of consciousness, Schieffelin adds.

614 Chakra Mural
Meditation Center
Est 10.14.20 4:51pm
#chakramural 20ft x 76ft
492 E Mound📍Columbus Ohio
Color meditation
#chakra #columbus