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Location: building next to Brew Dog Franklinton,Ohio


This illustration was inspired by the impact that dogs (and animals) have courageously contributed to the advancement of humankind and highlighting dogs as the #1 healers for humans. Dogs have lived alongside humans for more than 30,000 years. Science has proven that interacting with a friendly dog reduces cortisol levels through oxytocin release. When your dog licks a wound, there are healing capacities in their saliva and it can also help cleanse the area. They teach us, love us, care for us even when we are uncaring, feed our souls, and always, always give us the benefit of the doubt.

This mural is inspired by the impact that animals have courageously contributed to the advancement of humankind and throughout the history of space travel. The mural specifically honors a loyal street dog named "Laika". She was honored as veteran and a major contributor to the initiation of the Space Race (1955-1975) becoming the first animal to orbit the earth.


Laika is one of many species that contributed to educating humans about space. This mural celebrates her story and brings awareness to the importance of animals in each of our lives.


Of all creatures in the animal kingdom, it is the dog that is most synonymous with loyalty. They are one of the most loyal creatures known to man and have always signified such positive traits as loyalty, faith, honesty and companionship.


"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." Josh Billings


Read about the Franklinton sister mural - Metal Works mural, on the opposite side of the same building.

"SHHHHH! The movie is about to start"

There are repeated "Shhh faces" represent the history and classified information of the building the mural is painted on. The building was initially involved in manufacturing parts for siding in residential homes in the 1940's and the had a top secret area that created parts for a secret project known as the Manhattan Project. Franklinton was included with two other locations that made parts.









Space Dawg Mural Fundraiser 2023 at BrewDog Franklinton

Read about the fundraiser here

Space Dawg Mural t shirts are a limited edition set and 100% of proceeds are donated to Columbus Humane for animals in need of medical attention and finding new homes for all animals. Shirts can be purchased at BrewDog during the event or pre-order.


This fundraiser was organized by artist, Ryan Orewiler and BrewDog Franklinton featuring Orewiler's "Space Dawg" mural on limited edition t-shirts that supporting animal welfare at the Columbus Humane. The event takes place at Brew Dog Franklinton Sunday May 7th, 2023 from 12pm-5pm. COSI Connects Van will be performing special demos and giving away Space Kits and the Columbus Humane will bring dogs to adopt from 1pm-3pm. Other affiliates will be bringing products for dogs and pets to display at tables during the event. Food menu is available and $1 per pint ordered is donated to Columbus Humane.

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